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RS Adobe Stock kino person popcorn

Movies and cinema

Enjoy a pleasant eventing in a cinema in the main town of South Tyrol, Bolzano

Even if there is no cinema in the villages of the Alpe di Siusi area, you can enjoy a pleasant evening watching one of the latest films in the near city of Bolzano. Three cinemas are waiting for you in South Tyrol's capital. A cinema with a long tradition is the Capitol Filmclub in the old centre, boasting three modern cinema halls and offering also literary films or film series. In spring, this is the place of the "Bolzano Movie Days", in which international actors and film directors present their latest film productions.

Furthermore, in Bolzano there is the big Cineplexx in Via Macello. This cinema offers 7 cinema halls and 1,500 seats. The third cinema is situated in the Twenty shopping centre. It offers a total of 6 cinema halls and 810 seats. Both cinemas show various films and of course also Hollywood Blockbusters in German and Italian language. Theme night such as movies in their original language complete the offer.

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