hund doanme pixabay cc publicdomain
hund doanme pixabay cc publicdomain

Rules and Regulations for Dog Owners

In order to enjoy relaxing holidays with your dog at the Alpe di Siusi and the area of the Sciliar mountain, please consider the following regulations

You have to carry the filled EU pet passport along which you get from your veterinarian and where the anti-rabies inoculation of your companion must appear. Moreover your dog must have a microchip for clear identification. Dogs, which were marked before the 3rd of July 2011 for the first time, may have a clearly readable tattoo. Puppies younger than three months must not enter Italy.

In Italy it is obligatory to keep your dog on a lead and to carry always a muzzle along. Also the disposal of the excrements of your four-legged friend is your duty.

On buses, guide dogs and small dogs, which can be held in your arms or carried in a container with the dimensions of max. 70×30×50 cm, are transported for free. If your dog does not fulfil these criteria you have to buy a ticket also for your companion. On all public transport as well as on the Alpe di Siusi Cable Car, your dog has to be leashed and must wear a muzzle.

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